Hundreds of young people raise the Concert Hall roof and celebrate the power of music.

Celebration brings together over 1,200 performers from schools across the county for one special week each year. Every evening, we invite audiences to experience performance at its most joyful, with Suffolk’s young people in Snape Maltings Concert Hall.

Schools and community groups have come together with musicians and community leaders at Britten Pears Arts to devise their varied programmes and have rehearsed in school and at home in the lead-up to the week.

An unforgettable evening of music for all the family. For a flavour of what to expect, watch this film of last year’s Celebration...

This event is supported by The Belstead Ganzoni Charitable Settlement, The Chivers Trust, The Mila Charitable Organisation, Skyrme Hart Charitable Trust and Youth Music.

Celebration is kindly supported by James White Drinks.

General booking opens Saturday 25 November at 10am.

Advance booking for members begins on Tuesday 7 November. Find out how becoming a member both supports our work and enables you to enjoy priority booking.