Skip to main contentSitemap
- The National Lottery Open Week
- Celebrating Jennifer Vyvyan
- Home of Imogen Holst Receives Grade II Listing
- Archive Treasures: Armenian Amphora
- English Touring Opera: Director’s Insight
- Spark! event: Collaborative Music Practice for Health
- The English Opera Group
- Noel Periton
- Britten Pears Young Artists: Francesca Lauri and Ellen Pearson
- Britten Pears Young Artists: Chaos String Quartet
- Britten Pears Young Artist: Kalun Leung
- Curlew River BBC Broadcast
- Big Sing: Magic out loud
- Sansara: Giving voice to grief
- The Flow of Creativity
- Friday Afternoons: Six New Songs by Suffolk Students
- An insight from the Director of English Touring Opera
- A volunteer usher's journal
- East Suffolk Skylarks
- The Marian Consort: Face to Face – Residency
- Benjamin Britten, Curlew River and Sumidagawa
- Rachel Jones at the Aldeburgh Festival
- In Conversation with Composer Unsuk Chin
- Spark! event Creative Health: A Leadership Challenge
- Think Tank: Music, End of Life, Grief and Loss
- English Touring Opera
- 75th Aldeburgh Festival
- Aldeburgh Festival of Music and the Arts: Book covers
- Wes Anderson and the music of Benjamin Britten
- What is a Masterclass?
- Who was Benjamin Britten?
- Inside Benjamin Britten’s creative process: A film by Emily Richardson
- Carnival Spirit
- Archive Treasures: An Angel in Blythburgh Church
- Listen to new tracks recorded as part of Britten Pears Arts’ criminal justice programme
- Watch the highlights from Summer at Snape 2023
- Free Music for Schools
- ThinkTank: Musicians Matter
- Britten Pears Young Artists, 2023 – 2024
- Emily Richardson | Immaterial Terrain
- Influential research maps music education in Suffolk
- Insights into Stage and Production
- 74th Aldeburgh Festival
- Announced: Snape Residency artists for 2023 – 2024
- Xhosa Cole & Nathan England-Jones Residency
- Roger Wright to step down as Chief Executive
- Archive Treasures: 70th birthday presents by Hockney and Holst
- Letters to a Young Poet
- 73rd Aldeburgh Festival
- Benjamin Britten’s String Quartets
- Charles Byrne – the ‘Irish Giant’
- Pavel Kolesnikov's Magic Box
- Britten Pears Young Artists | Community Course
- Returning to Snape Maltings: Barbara Hepworth’s The Family of Man
- Aldeburgh Festival Podcast
- A Day at Snape Maltings
- ThinkTank: Music in Later Life
- Idrisi Ensemble
- Archive Treasures: Slow train to Aldeburgh – Britten and Dr Beeching
- The Story of HerStory
- James Bowman, 1941–2023
- Celebration 2023
- Winter at The Red House
- Winter at The Archive
- Wildflower Trail
- Composing Myself: Anna Thorvaldsdottir
- Ronald Blythe: a tribute
- Archive Treasures: Imogen Holst’s World War II scrapbooks and her émigré musician friends
- My Beloved Man: The Letters of Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears
- Christian Marclay – Everyday
- Theo Alexander Residency
- Insights into Chamber Music in Residence
- Lia Mice & Odd Lust
- Jake Mehew
- Chisara Agor: Nocturnal Sun
- Balladeste
- Chisato Minamimura | INPUT:OUTPUT
- Schumann’s Frauenliebe, Reimagined
- Evadney
- Flaming Marsh Ponies
- Join the Din: Change!
- Lotte Betts-Dean: Voice Electric
- Nabihah Iqbal
- Untold
- The Blue Woman
- Yarmonics
- Archive Treasures: Voices in December
- Think Tank: The Future of Music in Criminal Justice Settings
- Archive Treasures: ‘my favourite choir at my favourite school’
- Colin Matthews: 30 years of composition courses supporting Britten Pears Young Artists
- Sid Goldsmith, Holly Harman, Nina Harries & James Patrick Gavin
- Q&A with Devi Singh, Curator of Power of Stories
- Frazer Merrick
- Alya Al-Sultani
- Britten Pears Arts X Art Station Residency
- Interview with Sydney Baedke, Female Chorus in The Rape of Lucretia
- Trainee Music Leader, Charly Jolly
- 12 Years In The Making
- Moina Moin
- Anna-Helena McLean
- Archive Treasures: Britten, Myth and Radio
- In Memoriam, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
- Music and later life
- Imogen Holst: In Her Own Orbit
- ThinkTank: Exploring Co-production in Music and the Arts
- Archive Treasures: The Absent Composer
- Archive Treasure - What might have been: Britten, Milligan and Lewis Carroll
- Young Musicians' Health & Wellbeing
- Hold the Drama
- t l k: compositions about loss and grief
- Vox Pop: A Verbatim Musical
- The School Britten & Pears Built
- The Anti-War Art of War Requiem, Sixty Years On
- 10 things you may not know about Benjamin Britten and the Royal Family
- Music in the Criminal Justice System
- Alice Birch has Written an Opera
- Something in the Water: Aldeburgh Festival moments that made it famous
- Rapasa: Nyatiti Master
- Mark Bowden, on Aldeburgh Young Musicians
- Archive Treasures: The Birth of a Music School
- SECRETS: The Last Five Days of Sandra
- The Aldeburgh Festival Spirit
- Insights into Britten & Women
- Archive Treasures: Sentinels by the Reedbeds
- Katy Thomson: My Year as a Britten Pears Young Artist
- Archive Treasures: Reynolds Stone, Britten, Pears and their Bookplate
- My Week: Callum Given, Head of Community
- Archive Treasures: Two Pianos and a Gamelan
- Three minutes with Suffolk grower Anna Greenland
- An official history of the Aldeburgh Festival
- The Self in Process
- Five women who inspired a space opera, and where to find them
- Spring Clean at Britten’s House
- Archive Treasures: Britten, Budd and the Hammer Horror Composer
- Musicians in Society
- Join the Din | Change!
- Community Ambassadors
- Faye MacCalman: Invisible, Real
- Archive Treasures: A new production for a new concert hall
- A Day in the Life of The Red House
- Katch a Taxi Bus to Snape Maltings
- Archive Treasures: Presentation, parking and formal address: the mechanics of a peerage
- A Song at The Red House: 'Tell me the Truth About Love', by Benjamin Britten
- Creating a finale
- Gordon Crosse Tribute
- A Song at The Red House: 'The Foggy, Foggy Dew' by Benjamin Britten
- Britten and Malcolm Arnold
- Four trombones and Owen Wingrave
- Larkhall
- Ruby Colley
- Imogen Holst: Composer, conductor, educator, dancer
- Hannah Honeywill: "My beloved is mine, and I am his"
- Sound Voice Project
- Christo Squier: Subatomic
- Call Me Unique
- Archive Treasures: The North Sea flood of 1953 and Britten’s coronation opera
- Mary Ryan: I Can't Sing
- Response to Alex Woolf's conviction
- Robin Haigh: Life as a Britten Pears Young Artist
- Archive Treasures: Travel and travails - musicians on the road in 1950
- Kafka Fragments: Junk Lectures
- BEAM: Everybody Can Stand In Their Own Light
- Archive Treasures: The Beginnings of Britten’s Young Person’s Guide and Peter, Slava and the Wolf
- Emily Levy: Songs of Belonging
- Ulita: Sister
- Charlie Grey & Joseph Peach
- Dom Bouffard: Vengeful Ghost
- Thick & Tight: Unclouded Moon
- Letty Stott: Ancient Horns
- Nick Ryan
- Maz O'Connor: The Wife of Michael Cleary
- Max Baillie & Vahakn Matossian: Sonnen
- Ayanna Witter-Johnson: Roadrunner
- Bastard Assignments
- Naala
- Alex Groves & Rebecca Hanbury: A Time of Listening
- Propellor
- Seven Ways The Blues Can Improve Your Life
- Horse Whisperer
- Perhaps Contraption
- Sam Lee: Old Wow
- Firefly Burning: Breathe Shallow
- Kit Downes & Tom Challenger: Dreamlife of Debris
- Rahman & Yermakova
- Nicolls & Bugge
- Reload
- Tin Men and the Telephone
- Silence Makes Perfect
- Fatty
- Voicescolourmotion
- Impacts of singing on health and wellbeing
- Singing and Maternal Mental Health
- Music and Wellbeing in Early Childhood
- The Future Hospital
- Musician Resilience
- Singing on prescription
- Work of the Week 52. A Ceremony of Carols
- Work of the Week 51. Winter Words
- Work of the Week 50. The Prince of the Pagodas
- Work of the Week 49. Nocturnal after John Dowland
- Work of the Week 48. Sonata in C
- Work of the Week 47. Friday Afternoons
- Work of the Week 46. Piano Concerto
- Work of the Week 45. Canticle II
- Work of the Week Special: War Requiem
- Work of the Week 44. The Turn of the Screw
- Work of the Week 43. Voices for Today
- Work of the Week 42. String Quartet No.3
- Work of the Week 41. Curlew River
- Work of the Week 40. Death in Venice
- Work of the Week 39. Sechs Hölderlin-Fragmente
- Work of the Week 38. Peter Grimes
- Work of the Week 37. Six Metamorphoses after Ovid
- Work of the Week 36. Chaos and Cosmos
- Work of the Week 35. Gloriana
- Work of the Week 34. Noye’s Fludde
- Work of the Week 33. Tyco the Vegan
- Work of the Week 32. Suite for Harp
- Work of the Week 31. Charm of Lullabies
- Work of the Week 30. Holiday Diary
- Work of the Week 29. The Rape of Lucretia
- Emily Foulkes: Singing for Chronic Pain
- HerStory: The Catchpole Chronicles
- What happens when we sing together?
- Archive Treasures: Kathleen Ferrier’s musical friendships
- Work of the Week 28. A Hymn to the Virgin
- Work of the Week 27. Ascent of F6
- Work of the Week 26. Serenade
- Work of the Week 25. A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- Work of the Week 24. Violin Concerto
- Work of the Week 23. Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo
- Work of the Week 22. String Quartet No.1
- Work of the Week 21. Diversions
- Work of the Week 20. Owen Wingrave
- Work of the Week 19. Lachrymae
- Work of the Week 18. Albert Herring
- Work of the Week 17. Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge
- Work of the Week 16. Suite on English Folk Tunes: ‘A time there was…’
- Work of the Week 15. Phaedra
- Work of the Week 14. Where do we go from here?
- Work of the Week 13. Sweeter Than Roses
- Work of the Week 12. Spring Symphony
- Work of the Week 11. The Holy Sonnets of John Donne
- Work of the Week 10. Sinfonia da Requiem
- Work of the Week 9. Paul Bunyan
- Work of the Week 8. Cabaret Songs
- Work of the Week 7. Canticle I ‘My Beloved is Mine’
- Work of the Week 6. The Salley Gardens
- Work of the Week 5. Billy Budd
- Work of the Week 4. The Poet’s Echo
- Work of the Week 3. Coal Face
- Work of the Week 2. Simple Symphony
- Work of the Week 1. Canticle IV
- Britten & Pears
- Benjamin Britten
- Who was Peter Pears?
- Archive Treasures: Britten and Australia - a ballet that might have been
- Archive Treasures: Britten’s Viola
- Archive Treasures: A year in pictures
- Archive Treasures: “Once-played-badminton-for-Suffolkship” – Stephen Potter at the Red House
- Archive Treasures: William Plomer, Curlew River and a gift of Japanese prints
- Archive Treasures: Baron Britten of Aldeburgh’s Letters patent
- Archive Treasures: Music, travel, tennis and 1930s emojis
- Archive Treasures: Geoffrey Burgon, Britten, Brideshead, Blake and Pears
- Archive Treasures: ‘the loveliest present that has ever happened’ – the gift of a concert to Imogen Holst
- Archive Treasures: Thirty-seven love – Britten, Pears, sport and recreation at the Red House
- Archive Treasures: A Spiritual Home – Britten, Pears and The Red House
- Archive Treasures: Browsing the Bookshelves – Reading Britten and Pears
- Archive Treasures: Love in the accounts
- Archive Treasures: East meets West in the Archive
- Archive Treasures: Young composers and ancient carols
- Archive Treasures: Letters from an American in London
- Archive Treasures: Britten, Grainger and a Birthday Gift
- Archive Treasures: Young Men and Fast Cars
- Archive Treasures: Books for the Young and Young at Heart
- Archive Treasures: Britten’s centenary archive
- Archive Treasures: Imogen Holst’s scrapbooks and The Pipers’ Guild
- Archive Treasures: Britten and The Tempest
- Archive Treasures: Britten’s wheelchair
- Archive Treasures: Music manuscript for Britten’s Piano Concerto
- Archive Treasures: Britten and Bennett
- Archive Treasures: Channel Air Bridge
- Archive Treasures: Joan Cross’ wartime cast books
- Archive Treasures: Decimalisation
- Archive Treasures: Nearly A Rabbit’s Tale
- Archive Treasures: Hardy’s Time’s Laughingstocks and Other Verses
- Archive Treasures: African National Congress
- Archive Treasures: Nicholson’s Guide to British Waterways
- Archive Treasures: Peter Pears’ gift of Winterreise
- Archive Treasures: The first Aldeburgh Festival Executive Committee minute book
- Archive Treasures: From Dr. Who’s Daleks to Britten’s baleful fisherman
- Archive Treasures: Pears’ copy of Mansfield Park
- Music at Pear Tree Lodge
- Archive Treasures: Duke Ellington
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Les Six | Britten Pears Young Artists Programme Composers Film
Britten Pears Arts stands in solidarity with Ukraine
Hire Spaces at The Red House
Mark Bowden, on Aldeburgh Young Musicians
Jessica McInnes, Aldeburgh Young Musician
The School Britten & Pears Built
BP Contemporary Ensemble and beyond
Think Tanks
Britten Weekend at The Red House
The Britten Pears Young Artists, 2022-23
The Art Station / Britten Pears Arts Residency 2022
Imogen Holst: In Her Own Orbit
Snape Maltings, 360 Degree Tour
Walks at Snape Maltings
Snape Maltings Map
The History of Snape Maltings
Accessibility at our venues
Sustainability Policy
Open House
Britten Pears Young Artist Programme Supporter Credits
English Song Course
French Song and Mélodie
The Conductor as Dramaturg
Chamber Futures
Chamber Music Plus
Composition, Alternative Performance and Performance Art (CAPPA)
Composition and Performance
How to Apply
Community Ticketing Scheme
Aldeburgh Festival Service
Programme notes
£10 Tickets
Festival transport & parking
House & Garden
Food Hall
Samphire Boutique
Courtyard Garden
Craft Shop
Chamber Connections Masterclass Biographies
Snape Residency: Jennifer Farmer, Ella Jarman-Pinto, Charlotte Marlow, Laura Attridge, Yshani Perinpanayagam
Enquiry Residency: Glorybox
Enquiry Residencies: Reload
Growing Your Sunflower Seeds
Aldeburgh Festival Podcast, season one
Malt Feedback
Aldeburgh Festival Book
Autumn & Winter booking dates
Spring Priority booking dates
Friday Afternoons
No 4 The Courtyard calendar
No. 7 Iken View calendar
No 9 The Courtyard calendar
No 11 The Courtyard calendar
No 8 The Courtyard calendar
No. 14 The Courtyard calendar
No. 15 The Courtyard calendar
No. 10 Iken View calendar
Malt Cottage calendar
Garrett House calendar
Smugglers Cottage calendar
No. 17 Courtyard calendar
Snape Bridge House calendar
Red Studio calendar
Future Leaders’ Learning Retreat
An official history of the Aldeburgh Festival
Creative Health
Benjamin Britten
Artist development
Who are we?
Music Makers
Aldeburgh Festival priority booking dates
Opening hours
Featured Musician: Unsuk Chin
Featured Musician: Alban Gerhardt
Featured Musician: Daniel Pioro
Featured Musician: Judith Weir
Hesse Student Scheme
Britten Pears Young Artists, 2023-24
Visual art
Spark! Event Young Voices in a Changing Musical Landscape – November 2023
Aldeburgh Young Musicians FAQs
Creative Campus Capital Programme
Meet the artists 24–25
Britten Pears Young Artists, 2024-25
Arts Health Research Intensive 2024: An immersive week of knowledge exchange and connection
Inclusive Language Policy
Ethics Policy
Summer at Snape 2024 programme notes
Aldeburgh Festival of Music and the Arts: Festival programme books
Britten Pears Arts Gift Vouchers
Family Dreamworld Day
Easter Family Fun at Snape Maltings
Autumn & Winter 2024 programme notes
No. 8 Iken View Calendar
Summer Solstice Sunrise
Surrounded by Sequenzas
Behind the Scenes at The Red House: Festival
Festival Extra!
Featured Artist: Leila Josefowicz
Featured Artist: Allan Clayton
Featured Artist: Daniel Kidane
Featured Artist: Helen Grime
Celebrating Peter Pears' Birthday
Building a Recital Programme
Chamber Music in Residence
Celebration at The Red House
Aldeburgh Festival Hub
test‘s apostrophe
Spring 2025 programme notes
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