Meet AYM

Laura Feeney Programme Manager, Aldeburgh Young Musicians lfeeney@brittenpearsarts.org

Fabian Marshall-Tierney Programmes Assistant, Aldeburgh Young Musicians fmarshalltierney@brittenpearsar ts.org
AYM Tutors 2023–24
Adam Swayne
Piano tutor
Alice Purton
Cello tutor
Alice Zawadzki
Lead project tutor
Arun Ghosh
Clarinet tutor
Brenda Blewett
Duo tutor
Bruno Heinen
Project tutor
Charlie Cawood
Guitar tutor
China Moses
Lead project tutor
Christina McMaster
Piano tutor
Fernando Machado
Guitar tutor
Finn Collinson
Recorder tutor
Francesca Ter-Berg
Project tutor
Frank Moon
Project tutor
Henry Roberts
Flute tutor
Holly Harman
Lead tutor
Jack McNeil
Clarinet tutor
James Meldrum
Clarinet tutor
Jasen Weaver
Project tutor
Jo Hensel
Performance resilience coach
Dr Jonathan James
Musicianship tutor
Joost Hendrickx
Drum tutor
Lotte Betts–Dean
Vocal tutor
Max Ruisi
Cello tutor
Naomi Burrell
Violin tutor
Nathan England–Jones
Drum tutor
Oli Rockberger
Project tutor
Rachel Cohen
Project tutor
Rosie Hodgson
Project tutor
Simon Roth
Project tutor
Xhosa Cole
Saxophone and flute tutor
“It was such a delight working with the AYM students alongside Alice, Bruno and Rachael. Such sensitive, reflective and inspiring musicians! Their energy and passion is inspiring and I was genuinely moved to witness these young musicians take music so seriously and with such a sense of fun, joy and collaboration.”Simon Roth, AYM tutor