As we reflect on the achievements and milestones of Britten Pears Arts, we are profoundly grateful for the unwavering support received from our valued community of individual donors, members, trusts and foundations, and corporate partners. Your generosity and commitment have been instrumental in the success of our endeavours, enabling us to continue our mission of fostering creativity and preserving the legacy of Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears.

This dedicated thank you page serves as a heartfelt expression of our appreciation for your pivotal role in advancing the arts and enriching lives. Together, we have created a lasting impact, and we look forward to continuing this inspiring journey with you.

Thank you for being an indispensable part of the Britten Pears Arts family.

Trusts & Foundations

Corporate Partners


Chairman’s Circle
The Britten Family; The Daunt Family; Sir Vernon Ellis; Nick & Fiona Green; Matthew Greenburgh & Helen Payne; Diana Hiddleston; Thomas & Juliet Hughes-Hallett; Professor Sir Barry Ife; Jane Jewell; Ralph Kanza; Peter & Veronica Lofthouse; Lawrence & Doe Mallinson; Grant & Caroline Masom; Garth & Lucy Pollard; David Robbie & Fred Goetzen; Sir Simon & Lady Robey; Clive & Eileen Schlee; Alex & Sonia Scott-Barrett; Robert Swannell; Alan Swerdlow & Jeremy Greenwood; Stephen & Victoria Swift; Lindsay & Sarah Tomlinson, and anonymous donors.

Benefactor Circle

Kirstene Baillie; Rodney & Gail Baker-Bates; Mark & Angela Bridges; Chris & Jenny Ellins; Matthew & Charlotte Gregory; Patty Hopkins; Tony & Criona Mackintosh; The Tregear Family; The Younger Family, and anonymous donors.

Signature Circle
Sir Richard Arnold & Mary Elford; Arianne Bankes; Stephen Barnard & Jane Maxim; Philip Britton & Tom Southern; Lord Robert Carnwath; John & Lindi Carrington; Charles & Angela Chadwyck-Healey; Richard Chaplin; Stephen & Billy Clark; Andrew Comben; Katherine Douglas; Edward Driffill; Geoffrey & Inga Dunn; Leanda Englander; Jane Evans; Keith & Frances Griffiths; Felicity Guinness; William & Miranda Kendall; Tim & Lizzie-Boo Llewellyn; Fiona MacKenzie; 'Anthony and Barbadee Meyer Song Bursary'; Suzanne Selvi in memory of Selman; Sally Simon, Jane Caplan & Charlotte Caplan; Peter Smith; Janis Susskind; Chris Tooth, in memory of Waltheof Tooth; Simon Roberts & Laura Wade-Gery, and anonymous donors.

Patron Circle

Kay & Jim Ashton; Anthony Biddle; Gill Bracey and in memory of Tony Gelsthorpe; Ian Bruce-Jones; Henrietta Bowden-Jones; Christina & Humphrey Burton; Annabel & Colin Chamberlain; Ruth Common; Angela & John Crowther; Anne Cuddigan; Lewis & Nancy Dann; Spencer & Lucy de Grey; Robert & Susan Elliott; Shirley Ellis; Caroline Erskine; Sarah Faulder; Catherine & Alan Forsdike; Hugh & Caroline Gathorne Hardy; Katharine & Maurice George; Janice & Robert Haines; Andreas Hofmann; Guy & Lucinda Heald; Jenny Hodgson; Sir Christopher & Lady Howes; Keith Jacobsen; Penny Jonas in memory of JMB / JJG; Valerie Lee; Jane MacKay; Nigel & Jacki Maslin; Jane McAusland; Robert & Nicola McFarland; Amyas & Louise Morse; Richard & Penelope Murley; Kevin Murphy; Anthony & Jenny Newhouse; John Nottage; Mark & Lindy O’Hare; Stephen & Dawn Oliver; Nigel & Chris Parker; Kathrin Peters & Alan Martin; Christine Quinn & Paul Richards; Chris & Jenny Powell-Smith; Naomi Russell; Alex & Elinor Sainsbury; Steve Saltaire & Alex Darkes; Peter & Cherill Scott; John & Debbie Shepherd; Anthony Smoker; Peter Southgate; Peter & Prilla Stott; Emily Stubbs & Stephen McCrum; Andrew & Ro Tusa; Robin Tye; Ian Webster; Christopher Wheeler & Asim Aftab; Paul & Sybella Zisman, and anonymous donors.

Platinum Friends

Robert Felgate; Charlotte Fox; John & Victoria Hambley; Alexander Nicoll; Jolyon Oxley; Lady Wade-Gery, and anonymous donors.

Gold Friends
Catherine Adamson; Daniel Alexander; Alison Andrews; Stewart & Catherine Ashurst; Kiaran Asthana; April Astley Birtwistle; Trevor Bacon & Angela Hamer; Ben Baglio & Richard Wilson; Sally Balcombe; Richard Barling & John Ford; Stephen & Alyson Barter; Lindsey Battye; Sara Beamish; Tony & Debbie Bone; Francoise Bonge; Tom Butler; Richard & Jane Calnan; Alexandra Carey; Sally Carr; Mary Clarke; Rosemary Close-Brooks; Cobra Mist; Philippa Collett; Adam & Rachel Cooke; Sallie Coolidge & Thomas Seymour; Kieran Cooper; Alan & Jane Crookes; Sue Culley; Roger Dancey; Janice Daniels; Liz de Planta; Victoria Dickie & Jim Peers; David Dye; Celia Edey; David Elliott; Mr & Mrs Everest; Harriet Farrell; Graeme & Anita Ferrero; Louise Fincham; Brian & Maria Fitzpatrick; Liz Fivet; David Fletcher; Clare Flook; Margaret Ford; Nicolas French; Monica Froehlich; Elizabeth Fuller; Keith Gallon; David Gee & Steve Whittle; Sir John & Lady Gieve; Fiona Gilmore; Sarah Gilmore; Miranda Glossop; Paul Greenwood; Judith Groves; David Grugeon; Mark Hancock; Mark Harris; James Hawthorne; Penny & Nick Heath; Joan Hester; Professor Chris Higgins; Catharine & Robin Howard; Nicholas Hubbard; Lucy Hughes-Hallett; Margaret Hyde; David Inman; Sally Irvine; Patrick Jacob; Dick Jeffery; Frank Jeffs; Juliet Johnson; Elspeth Jones; Mike Jones; Julia Keeling; Sarah & Andrew Kemp; Nick Kent; Christopher Keyte; John Knight CBE; Rita Krishna; John Duke & Janet Lansdale; Robin Leggate; Derek & Louise Lewis; David Loades; Simon & Irène Loftus; Alan Lord; Margaret McAlpine & Toby Simon; James McNeill; Stephen Mead; Patrick Meehan; Peggy Meredith; Christine Michaelides; J A Millar; Jane Mitchell; Peter & Judy Moorhouse; Charles & Rachel Morris; Ivan & Mary Moseley; Kevin Murphy; Judi Newman; Rachel O'Daly; Linda Orr; Michael Osborne; Petr Ostrouchov; Timothy Oxbrow; Anne Page; Felicia Kirk & John Patterson; Nancy Payne; John & Terry Pearson; Roger Pincham; Sam & Philippa Price; James Pyke; Vanessa Raison; Graham Read; Philip Reed & Harriet Wybor; Caroline Reekie; Andrew Richards; Christopher Roberts; Josephine Roger; Stephen Rogers; Patrick Russell; Howard & Jean Ryan; Amanda & Paul Salmon; Fiona & David Sanderson; Martin Seeley; Michael & Judith Shallow; Adrian Slaney; Brian Smith; Nigel Smith; Enid Stephenson; Nic & Jill Stuchfield; Michael Suggate; Christine Taylor; Charles Taylor; Stephen Terry; Lizzi Thistlethwayte; Calum & Jane Thomson; Theresa Tollemache; Michael & Rosemary Tonge; Clive & Tessa Tulloch; Michael & Diana Turner; Gill & David Twissell; Jaap & Auguste van Poelgeest Glastra; Sara Viney; Catherine Walker; Frances & David Waters; Nicolas Webb; Martin Webster & Hilary De Lyon; Stephen Wells; Sarah Whitehead; Mary Ann Wingfield; Joanna & Peter Wolton; Jonathan & Candida Woolley; David Worrall & Georgina Locke; Rory Worthington; Taly Yaron, and anonymous donors.

We would also like to extend our thanks to those who support us in so many different ways, including our Friends, Associate Members, Life Members, Associates of Britten Pears Young Artist Programme, Criminal Justice Circle members, and all others who so kindly support our work through the year.

We are also extremely grateful to the Vernon Ellis Foundation and its match funding appeal for generously supporting our community work.

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