Updating our membership scheme
We are thrilled to unveil the refreshed membership scheme for Britten Pears Arts, marking an exciting chapter in our journey.
With a legacy rooted in the cultural landscape of Snape Maltings and the enduring spirit of Britten and Pears, our organisation has evolved since the formation of Britten Pears Arts in April 2020. This updated scheme reflects our growth, ensuring inclusivity and relevance across all facets of our institution, from Snape Maltings to The Red House, Aldeburgh. We invite you to embark on this new phase with us, celebrating the transformative power of the arts and the enduring legacy of Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears.
You can explore all the new membership tiers by visiting our membership page, where you'll find detailed information on the various levels of support, suggested donation amounts, and the associated benefits.
For our existing supporters, we've compiled some FAQs to provide insight into the reasons behind these changes, and we trust you'll continue to champion our mission: to make the arts useful. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Development team.
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**When do the new membership tiers come into operation?
The new membership tiers will operate from 1 April 2024.
**How do the new membership tiers align with the previous version?
Associate – formerly Introductory Member
Friend – Friend
Young Friend – *New age range*
Gold Friend – formerly Water
Platinum Friend – *New level*
Patron Circle – formerly Marsh
Signature Circle – formerly Reed
Benefactor Circle – formerly Sky
Chairman’s Circle – Chairman's Circle
**Do I need to do anything to continue my support at the new level?
Not at this time. From 1 April, your current membership will transfer to the new scheme, at the level shown above.
If you donate by Direct Debit or auto-renew from a debit/credit card, the Development Team will write to you around a month before your current membership expires, explaining the new suggested donation amount and confirming you are happy to proceed. If you wish to make any changes to the suggested donation amount, you will need to contact the Development team by the date specified in the communication, which will be in advance of the new donation being collected.
If you donate by card, BACS, cheque or standing order, the Development Team will write to you around a month before your current membership expires, explaining the new suggested donation amounts and how to proceed with the renewal.
**Why have the membership levels been renamed?
The former membership titles were derived from the surroundings at Snape Maltings. Following the establishment of Britten Pears Arts in April 2020, resulting from the merger of Snape Maltings (formerly Aldeburgh Music) and the Britten-Pears Foundation (overseeing Britten and Pears’ estate), the organisation has expanded and transformed. The updated titles signify this transformation, enabling them to be applicable across the organisation, encompassing Snape Maltings and The Red House, Aldeburgh.
**Why are there price increases in the membership scheme?
Donation adjustments are necessary to sustain and enhance the quality of our programmes, performances, and services. Recent years have posed significant challenges for the arts sector. As costs continue to rise, and public funding remaining stagnant, charitable support of over £2.5m annually is necessary to sustain our mission. As an organisation committed to excellence, we continually evaluate our pricing structure to ensure financial sustainability and continued delivery of exceptional artistic experiences.
**How will the increased membership fees benefit me as a member?
The increased membership donations will enable us to enhance our membership benefits and implement suggestions from member feedback, whilst providing greater value and exciting opportunities. These will include access to additional events and behind-the-scenes experiences.
**Are there any additional benefits accompanying the price increases?
Yes, we are committed to enhancing the memberships experience for our valued supporters. Alongside the price adjustments, we will be enhancing our events programme for supporters, enriching engagement with Britten Pears Arts. We have already started to put into place. Full detail can be found on our Supporter’s area on our website.
**Will there be options available for those who may find the increased fees challenging?
Absolutely. We understand the importance of accessibility and inclusivity. While we are adjusting our pricing structure, we will continue to offer a range of options to accommodate diverse financial circumstances, ensuring that our programs and opportunities remain accessible to all. The cost of each membership is made up of a suggested donation amount and a benefit value, meaning there are options to purchase the benefits of the membership and tailor the donation amount to suit personal budgets. We will also be launching a new free e-newsletter called ‘Prelude’ which will offer insights into our charitable work and behind-the-scenes news.
**How were the new membership fees determined?
The new membership fees were carefully considered based on various factors, including operational costs, benchmarking against other arts organisations, and feedback from our members. Our aim is to strike a balance between ensuring financial sustainability and providing value to our members.
**Will there be transparency regarding how the increased fees are utilised?
Absolutely. Britten Pears Arts is committed to transparency in all our operations. We will provide clear communication regarding how the increased fees are supporting our charitable endeavours, ensuring that our members understand how their support contributes to the fulfilment of our mission and the impact of their investment in our organisation. This can be seen on our Annual Review. Paper copies available upon request.
**Is there an opportunity for members to provide feedback or input regarding the price increases?
Yes, we value the input and feedback of our members. Our annual members’ survey provides a platform for all members to share their views and, before launching the revised scheme, we ran focussed discussions to encourage supporters to share thoughts and suggestions regarding the price increases. Your continual feedback will be instrumental in shaping our approach and ensuring that our membership scheme continues to meet the needs and expectations of our valued supporters. Please send any feedback/suggestions to joinus@brittenpearsarts.org.
**How will Britten Pears Arts ensure that the increased fees align with the organisation's mission and values?
The increased fees are aligned with our mission and values of supporting artistic excellence, fostering cultural exchange, and promoting accessibility and inclusivity. We are committed to ensuring that our pricing decisions reflect these core principles and contribute to the advancement of our goal, to change lives through music.
**How can members continue to support Britten Pears Arts beyond their membership fees?
There are various ways to support Britten Pears Arts beyond membership fees, including making additional donations, naming a boardwalk, leaving a legacy or volunteering your time and expertise. Your continued support is invaluable in helping us fulfil our mission and make a meaningful impact in the world of music and the arts.