Leave a gift in your will
A gift in your will helps to continue Britten and Pears’ legacies, on which the whole organisation is built: from shaping the futures of our next generation of artists, to changing the course of challenging lives, or staging performances that live on in people’s memories.
Our creativity is infinite; our resources are not. Every gift in every will helps us to plan more confidently for the future and to continue to transform lives through music.
Any gift you leave to Britten Pears Arts will be deducted from your estate before any tax liability is calculated. So, if your estate is £10,000 over the amount allowed as tax-free, and you leave Britten Pears Arts £2,000, then inheritance tax will only be payable on £8,000. Also, if you leave 10% or more of your estate, you’ll be taxed at a lower rate (36% rather than 40%) on any part of your estate that qualifies for inheritance tax. The use of charitable gifts to minimise inheritance tax should be discussed with your solicitor.
If Britten Pears Arts is important to you, please speak with us in confidence about leaving a gift in your will, email legacy@brittenpearsarts.org or phone 01728 687150.