Donating through the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)

CAF operates a charity account scheme which allows account holders to donate to charities using vouchers, by phone and online. Donations are eligible for tax relief under the Gift Aid rules. There are a number of ways you can give to Britten Pears Arts through a CAF account.

By phone

You can donate using your CAF card by calling CAF directly on 03000 123 000 (calls charged at local rate).


We are unable to accept CAF cards through our website, however, you can make an online donation via the CAF website. Just enter the text Britten Pears Arts or our charity number, 980281, in the search facility.

By standing order

To set up a regular donation login to your member area on the Charities Aid Foundation website to download a standing order form, or phone the CAF customer service team on 03000 123 000.

By post

CAF vouchers should be made payable to Britten Pears Arts and sent to us, with your name and address, to:

The Development Team
Snape Maltings Concert Hall
Snape Maltings
IP17 1SP

We can also accept voucher donations from any other charity giving account (eg. Charities Trust, Stewardship vouchers).

Other ways to support our work