List of News Articles

  1. BEAM: Everybody Can Stand In Their Own Light

    Participants | Nadine Benjamin
  2. Archive Treasures: The Beginnings of Britten’s Young Person’s Guide and Peter, Slava and the Wolf

    The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra is one of Britten’s most popular works. Few people know that it started its life as notes written in the…
  3. Emily Levy: Songs of Belonging

    Participants | Emily Levy, Magali Charrier, Mella Faye, Victoria Couper, Nick Rasle, Aby Vulliamy, Preetha Narayanan, Tara Franks
  4. Ulita: Sister

    Participants | Nishla Smith, Tom Harris, Luca Shaw, Elin Schofield, Eva Scott, Matthew Durkin
  5. Charlie Grey & Joseph Peach

    Participants | Charlie Grey, Joseph Peach, Owen Sinclair
  6. Dom Bouffard: Vengeful Ghost

    Participants | Dom Bouffard, Alli Macinnes, Lewis Amar, Lia Mice
  7. Thick & Tight: Unclouded Moon

    Participants | Thick & Tight: Daniel Hay-Gordon, Eleanor Perry
  8. Letty Stott: Ancient Horns

    Participants | Letty Stott, Ed Ashby, Alice Zawadzki, Luke Christie
  9. Nick Ryan

    Participants | Nick Ryan, Heloise Werner, Marie Rricaud, Tom Taylor, Simon Terrill
  10. Maz O'Connor: The Wife of Michael Cleary

    Participants | Maz O'Connor, Tinuke Craig, Martin Bassindale, Alan Flanagan, Rebecca Gilhooley, Dale Mathurin, Rosie Hilal, Bebe Sanders,…
  11. Max Baillie & Vahakn Matossian: Sonnen

    Light painting which guides a digital audience around the Festival of New spaces Director: Spencer Young
  12. Ayanna Witter-Johnson: Roadrunner

    Participants | Ayanna Witter-Johnson