Hold the Drama create non-verbal shows that use music and drama to start conversations about mental health and emotional wellbeing...
During their 2022 Residency, Hold the Drama worked on their second show, which began on a Snape Residency in December 2019. The show, exploring ideas of belonging and community, was premiered at Snape, and was also performed for two new audience groups: adults living with dementia and young people in pupil referral units.
It was full of things that made you realise how isolated people can be, how intolerant people can be… but also, through the music, it showed you how people could come back together... I thought it was extraordinary.Audience member
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Britten Pears Young Artists: Francesca Lauri and Ellen Pearson
Pianist Francesca Lauri and mezzo-soprano Ellen Pearson both took part in this year’s Britten Pears Young Artist Programme and here they share…Britten Pears Young Artists: Chaos String Quartet
Founded in Vienna in 2019, the Chaos String Quartet has quickly made its mark on the international music stage. In 2023-24 they took part in…Britten Pears Young Artist: Kalun Leung
Kalun Leung is a Canadian trombonist and sound artist who has taken part in the Britten Pears Arts Young Artist Programme. Here he talks about…