Bellringing has long been a distinctive feature of the Aldeburgh Festival and this year’s church venues will be joining in the celebrations with special peals and events.

There will be bellringing at the usual Sunday services, while each church is also preparing further events that will appeal to both enthusiasts and newcomers.

Special events will take place in Aldeburgh Church on 9 June, Orford Church on 16 June, and Blythburgh Church on 23 June.

Aldeburgh Church, Sunday 9 June

Aldeburgh Parish Church will as usual host the annual Festival Service, this year with guest preacher The Rt Revd Martin Seeley, Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich. The service begins at 10.30. Celebratory bellringing from 09.45 will welcome the congregation to this special service. At 14.00 there will be a peal attempt to celebrate the Festival anniversary, and there will be a small display at the back of church about bells and bellringing.

Orford Church, Sunday 16 June

After the 09.30 Holy Communion, the bells will be rung at 12.00 for approximately 45 minutes. Other activities will be announced nearer the time.

Blythburgh Church, Sunday 23 June

Celebratory bellringing will follow the 09.30 service. At 11.00 the St Edmunds handbell ringers will play a medley of tunes including Badingham Chime – written by Imogen Holst for the 22nd Aldeburgh Festival in 1969. At 11.30 members of the Suffolk Guild of Bell Ringers will ring a Quarter peal. A display of photos pertaining to bellringing, the Festival, Imogen Holst and Badingham Chime (courtesy of BPA Archive and The Holst Foundation) will be at the rear of the church by the font and Tower screen. Activities will end around 12.30.