How old do I have to be to apply?

Young people aged 10–17 years on 1 September 2024.

How often do I need to attend?

The minimum attendance requirement is six weekends & four projects, although full attendance is recommended for the full experience! Open Houses are non-compulsory.

Which instruments/musical studies does AYM cater for?

Whether you’re a string player in an orchestra or a quartet, a vibraphone player from a jazz quintet, a classical vocalist, a contemporary singer-songwriter who sings at home or an electric guitarist who’s just played their first heavy metal gig. AYM welcomes you to apply.

Does it matter if I haven’t had a lot of experience making music with peers?

We are looking for young people who love creating music! We are looking for potential, dedication, and enthusiasm and will provide you with the training and experience to be able to collaborate with fellow musicians. We believe that everyone can learn from working with others.

Will it affect my schoolwork?

AYM is designed to fit around school schedules. All activities take place at weekends or during school holidays. Each AYM has an Individual Training Plan (ITP) which helps us work alongside studies and tailor the musical training to help the young artists achieve their goals.

What about my other musical commitments?

AYM is a collaborative and creative music programme. We expect all our Young Artists to be attending regular music lessons and get involved in as many musical ensembles and experiences as possible outside of the programme.

Do you support students with a disability and additional needs?

We welcome applications from all young people, including those with disabilities and additional needs. Young people with disabilities may be able to remain at AYM beyond the age of 18 years.

Do I need to be able to read music?

Ideally - yes! If you can’t read music, we’d like to help support you to develop this skill. It is not essential to be able to read music to enjoy being a part of AYM as improvisation is a big part of our activities, but it will certainly help your musical development.

Do I have to re-audition each year?

Once part of Aldeburgh Young Musicians, you can be part of the programme until the end of the academic year in which you turn 18, without the need to re-audition.