Experience Britten Pears Arts’ most ambitious summer exhibition of work by contemporary artists.

Summer Contemporary is a six-week visual art exhibition that celebrates artworks in a variety of mediums and disciplines. Every July and August, Snape Maltings welcomes many tens of thousands of visitors to enjoy visual art alongside music, shopping, eating and the unrivalled natural landscape.

One of our founders, Peter Pears, was a major collector of art, and Britten Pears Arts has a long history of public and commercial exhibitions, but this might be the largest show yet.

All works are for sale, and with arts funding more challenging than ever, Britten Pears Arts’ commission will help to fund the charity’s cultural activities.

The exhibition is curated by Devi Singh.

Summer Contemporary 2024 artists included: Laurence Edwards, Maggi Hambling, Glenn Brown, Jelly Green, Julia Scarr, Paul Benney, Roger Hardy, Abigail Lane, Nadia Koo, Alexander Costello, Kate Giles, Julian Perry, Daisy Cook, Tom Hammick, Ffiona Lewis and Symrath Kaur Patti.