Trio Farben II
The last of our 2025 Friday Lunchtime Concerts, at Orford Church, presents a compelling combination of Mathias, Takemitsu, and a first performance of Darius Paymai.
This concert showcases Trio Farben’s inventive programming and commitment to new music. The French Romantic composer Dubois’ Terzettino is the earliest known work for the combination of flute, viola, and harp. The Takemitsu, with its echoes of Debussy’s Trio, has as its subject ‘the signs of the wind in the natural world and of the soul, or unconscious mind (or we could even call it ‘dream’), which continues to blow, like the wind, invisibly, through human consciousness.’ Mathias’ intriguing work is dedicated to three friends, each born under a different sign of the Zodiac.
The programme also features the first performance of a new work by the Iranian-American composer and performer Darius Paymai, whose work is characterised by a clarity of approach and economy of material: often fragile, static, cyclical, found and reused in new contexts.
Trio Farben:
Imogen Davey flute
Georgia Russell viola
Heather Brooks harp