East Suffolk Council
East Suffolk Council are a very important partner for Britten Pears Arts, supporting our work in many ways. They are committed to improving outcomes for everyone in East Suffolk, and recognise the contributions we make to the visitor economy, the heritage of our region, and to creative health.
In 2024 they are supporting our Holiday Activity Fund programmes, providing fun activities for young people on free school meals during the summer holidays at The Red House.
They are also supporting our capital campaign through the Rural Business Investment Fund and the Rural Business & Community Hub Fund. These grants will support the creation of acoustic baffles in the Snape Maltings Concert Hall. The baffles will allow for business diversification to support revenue growth as they will make the hall more useful for a wide range of events, concerts, and community use. They will also support improvements in Britten Pears Building that will increase the number of users and allow new community groups to access this space, providing an exceptional resource for the whole community. The improvements will make the building accessible and also improve the efficiency of the building, making it environmentally friendly.